Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday/Sunday Project Bandwagon

Yup. I hopped on it. Brought along the hubbs for good measure and cheap entertainment. Oh how I love a ride on the Saturday (or Sunday) Project Bandwagon! Man it feels good to knock a chunk out of the to do list. I could putz around my house for days!  

A few unsolicited tips (most of which I'm making up as I go but all of which are solid in terms of advice)that will make a ride on the SPB more fun:

Rule numero uno - Preoccupy the kiddos. Check. We invited a few neighbor kids over, fed the entire posse a couple of otter pops and ushered them off to construct forts, play house and school one another in basketball.

Numero dos - Play loud music. Check. Thanks great friend Jenn for the Pandora hook up. The Classic Rock station is seriously rad. I was ready to rock (no pun intended) like Jordans on Saturday!

Y numero tres - Keep coke (or beer) on hand. Check. Maybe it's the combo of fizz plus alcohol or fizz plus caffeine, I can't be sure, but the craving will strike! You've been warned!

Today's SPB gave way to a freshly mowed lawn, a semi-organized crap, er, craft room and several bins of neatly folded clothing to be stored and passed down the line of sibs next season.

Then came the fun part. I had a couple of DIY projects that I've been itching to dig into for awhile.

The first? A giant, framed Pottery Barn-esque chalkboard that I could hang in my kitchen to write the kids chores on. I first saw this idea in my girlfriend Tracy Usher's kitchen and I loved it. But alas, I have not found one I like anywhere in this town. Not even at Pottery Barn or the ever reliable HomeGoods! So I decided a couple of weeks ago to commission Frank and make my own framed out with leftover molding we have sitting in the corner of the garage. Right around that time our buddy Sean called us with the best news ever! He was hosting a model home furniture sale at his warehouse and said we could come by for a little peek and first dibs on anything we wanted before it opened to the public! Cha-ching! (We hit the jackpot with this sale but I'll save that for a post of it's own. It's certainly well-deserving of the spotlight!)It was at that sale that I snagged this large framed poster used in the home builders sales office. 

Of course I'd already started pulling it apart before I remembered to take the photo. Oops!

It's not only the perfect size for the chore chalkboard of my dreams but it has a beautiful mahogany wood frame and linen mat! Bonus: I got it for free!

Right next to it was this Richmond Homes sign. (Hint: This is where the second project comes along.)
Another piece I began to dismantle before taking photos...

...And got for absolutely free!

Underneath all that plastic gold lettering awaits a beautifully framed grass cloth covered bulletin board that will take up residence in aforementioned semi-clean craft room!

During SPB we snuck off to Lowe's to snag a board, primer and paint. I think we spent about $25 on materials, give or take. Once we got home I plucked the lettering off my new bulletin board with a screwdriver taking care as to not snag the grass cloth while Frank trimmed down the material for the chalkboard.

Thanks babe for your manual labor!

When Frank was finished I rolled on a few coats of primer and paint and set it out to dry overnight. 

The bulletin board was complete literally in the blink of an eye. Total time = 10 minutes. Total cost = $0.

Ready to hang!

My glorious chalkboard finito!

I'm pleased as punch with how this turned out!

Bulletin Board: Total time = 1 hour (not counting dry time). Total cost = $28

Here it lies in it's final resting place!

Another successful SPB in the books! Two great new pieces with a Pottery Barn look on a tag sale budget!


  1. Great job Meg! I tell ya, you are after my own heart! I love a good freebie re-do. ;)

  2. CUTE!!!!!!!! I'm stealing this idea!!!!!
