Friday, May 27, 2011

A Million Little Things

I have tossed around the idea of starting a blog for a long, long time. Mostly I've talked myself out of it for a couple of reasons:

1) The only thing we're short on around here is time and whenever I've sat down to write anything in the past it's consumed a lot of that precious resource.

and 2) I'm significantly better at coming up with brilliant time sucking ideas than I am at actually following through on any of them. Of course that is me in a nutshell. Someone once told me I'd make an exceptional CEO because of all these great ideas I have combined with the lack of ability and the complete and utter dependency on other people to actually get the job done. Although so far I'm finding CEO's make significantly more money than moms who want to write about the funny things their kids do.

Another thing you should know about me is, once I get an idea into my head, it's nearly impossible for me to let go of it without giving it the good ole college try. But what can I say, I'm come from tough, strong-willed German stock. Plus in this particular case, my reasons for diving in far outweigh my reasons for sitting on the sidelines.

My main motivation behind taking a leap into blogging is to capture my family throughout these seemingly insignificant moments of our lives right now. I've never been one to journal on my own but I l.o.v.e. to tell a good story - especially about my family. I have a million of them! I'm telling you these four little people and the big guy I live with give me great material!

I don't want to forget these moments either. When I watch Kellen nap in the middle of the day and stare at his flawless little face, those amazing eye lashes, his perfectly pouty mouth, that porcelain skin, it's hard to imagine that my mind could ever let go of an image like that. But my first baby just turned 12 and I have all but forgotten those tiny details about her two year old face without a photo to remind me. It's easy to remember her birth, her first Christmas, the first day of school; it's much harder to recall the million little things that have sculpted her into the young lady she has become. All those moments that made me fall in love with her over and over again.

Seriously have you seen a sweeter face?

And lets not forget the obvious: My kids will love to read this someday!  No matter what memories they hold into adulthood this tribute will offer a glimpse into their past; All of their stories told from the perspective of the person who loves them most in this world (not counting dear old D.A.D. of course).

So here I am, with blog, doing my thing for the sake of preserving my families countless memoirs. To date the hardest part of the process is coming up with a name! As it turns out, trying to sum up your entire life in a catchy little phrase can be a little tricky! Our family's interests, activities, personalities and little daily rituals feel as diverse and far reaching as the sea. We have all kinds of different dreams, hopes and desires. Plus if I am to stick to a theme for this blog, it better darn well be all-encompassing. I thought long and hard about what I'm interested in and passionate about. The things I want to do in my life and the things I've done. I barely scratched the surface of those same questions with regards to my kiddos and voila!  I give you, 'A Million Little Things.' I love it. It totally fits. And that's what life is all about anyway isn't it?

But there's a catch. Once the name hit me I was in a mad rush to get this thing up and running. I raced through the set up and felt all the stars in alignment to learn that the URL had not yet been taken. I spent the next several days tweaking the layout (why someone ever wants to write code for a living is beyond me), and watching my thoughts transform into my first few posts. It wasn't until I got enough gusto to share with my mom that I discovered I misspelled the title of my blog! It's not 'A Million Little Things' at all! It's 'A MilliAn Little Things!' An 'A' not an 'O'! Good Lord. If it wasn't so very typical of me I might have had to start all over again. But hey, if I'm going to keep it real we may as well just lay it all out there from the beginning. This CEO is far to busy and important to deal with minor details like spelling! (I should also mention that the URL spelled correctly is already taken even though it hasn't had any activity since 2007. However I wont be bitter...we're obviously somewhat kindred spirits me and my 'Million Little Things' counterpart.)

P.S. Thanks a heap spell check for always having my back. Particularly when I'm sending texts and you auto correct words like 'coming' to 'vomiting'. It's always nice to let a friend know 'I'm vomiting right now.'  Almost as nice as it is to misspell my own blog title.

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