"Do you want to take the kids hiking up Mary Jane Falls today?"
Does he even have to ask? This Colorado girl never passes up an opportunity to breathe in fresh mountain air! We threw shoes on the kids and loaded up deciding to skip breakfast and eat at The Mt. Charleston Lodge instead. Mmmm mmmm good! I love that mountain air!
The food was good too!
At the start of the hike the kids were moaners and groaners, but fortunately they're easily distracted by searching out the perfect walking stick, catching lizards and collecting treasures. Kellen was fed up with the Kelty Kids Pack early on and chose to pave his own way.
I love that you can see his swagger in this picture!
His little hiking shoes were cracking me up. We're total Keen-aholics in this household and these ones are adorable! They did quite well for him while he maneuvered over rocks and under trees but I swear they are just as wide as they are long. They look like Build-A-Bear shoes! I couldn't resist a close up.
Frankie and Jay were really into putting their pocket knives to good use stripping sticks and carving their initials into fallen trees. 40% of the trail discussions today surrounded whose turn it was to carry the knives in their pockets. (although for what it's worth, 90% of statistics are B.S.)
Emmy and I headed up the rear for most of the trip talking a lot about Aspen trees, her silly dreams, scary bugs, how 'tired of walkin' she was every three minutes. We were soaking up the sun and mmm mmm mmm that fresh mountain air! Have I mentioned how much I love that stuff?
Emmy found a ladybug towards the end of the hike and shared it with her baby brother. Kellen was SO excited to hold it and as Emmy would try to pass it to him he'd get really nervous at the last second and yank his hands away. When he finally worked up the courage to touch it he was totally enthralled!
We didn't make it to the top of the trail because once we hit the switchbacks our kids were dropping like flies. Just as well. It was a perfect day to be on the side of a mountain!
Monday we celebrated Memorial Day with our great friends, the Pietrzaks and their good friends the Gaughans. I can't think of a better way to honor the men and women who've made so many sacrifices for this great country than by enjoying the freedom they fought for. And enjoy we did! We chatted, watched the kids bounce around and ate like kings and queens!
I adore my friend Jenn for so many reasons! Her delicious Sangria is the newest addition to a growing list! Man alive is it good!
The kids had a great time too! They hung out in the 'hot pool' most of the day because the 'cold pool' was turning their little lips blue! Emmy was in heaven to have four little ladies to play with (both the Pietrzaks and the Gaughans have two girls each) and something tells me Frankie wasn't too disappointed with the shortage of boys in our friends' families either.
We were sad to leave so early but Jaybug was flying in after a long weekend at her Dad's house in Texas. It's always nice to have her home. :)
Emmy also had her first official sleepover at our house with her best friend Katie. They were so cute I couldn't help but peek at them while I was working in the next room. The plan was to sleep up in Emmy's room but they fell asleep about halfway through their 3rd movie and spent the night downstairs instead.
They were so peaceful.

I love that they are almost holding hands!
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